Following my post 15 THINGS TO TAKE FROM 2015  I wanted to look back and see what I have learnt/experienced so far this year. 
So here are 7 things I have learned in the months of 2016 so far. 
  1. When you have a good day, take advantage. We all have good and bad days - this could be emotionally, health wise or mentally and for some people the bad days come more often then the good days, take the good days and make the most of them. It will be something to remember, will put you in a better mood and state of mind, and hopefully this will help more good days come. 
  2.  TRY and think only whats happening here and now. I say try as I'm still learning how to do this myself, its not an easy one and something that can be automatically be switch to in your brain, it takes a lot of practise and getting used too. This method of thinking really helps with overthinking, stress and anxiety. Only think about whats happening this exact moment, don't worry about what you have todo later on, tomorrow or next month.
  3.  Buy less. This year I have probably brought the most amount of makeup I have ever brought in such a short amount of time, but my excuse is that I study makeup, but reality did I need that extra mascara since I brought 2 last week? The answer is no, try not todo this. Buy what you need when you need it, try not to bulk and stock up (yes I can be known todo this.) This helps with clutter in your personal space and mind, and can also really help with saving money.
  4. Money is there to be spent. This isn't saying don't save, because of course save its so important but at the same time, if you want to treat your self, or have 3 courses instead of 2 at a meal, or buy a pair of shoes do it. You have earned your money theres no reason for you not to spend it.
  5.  Its okay to let go. This year I year I've had todo this with people. possessions and memories, its okay todo this and it'll be hard and takes time but the less you have and own that have no use, that you are no longer attached to and things that have no meaning will clear your mind and lift weight of your shoulders. 
  6.  Let people in. Let people know how you feel, talk to people about your feelings and problems, if your someone who doesn't like opening up, try this slowly it may help you and make you feel better for sure.
  7.  Take photos. Digital photos will always be with you, they hold memories, stupid and funny moments with your friends. This is going to able you to look back at the images from your favourites moments with your friends, images that inspire you and pictures that make you happy. I know when I'm having a bad day, or missing a certain time in my life I can look back on photos to relive these moments.     
Thank you for reading,