Tuesday, 5 January 2016

15 things to take from 2015

  1. Listen to people, listen to your friends,
  2. The little things matters,  appreciate the little details,
  3. Give everything a second chance,
  4. Say yes to everything you can,
  5. Make lists & keep a diary,
  6. Appreciate everything right now,
  7. Be by yourself every once in a while,
  8. Discover new things,
  9. Don't think about things too much,
  10. Drink more water,
  11. Appreciate and look at more art,
  12. Try something that makes you feel on edge,
  13. Give yourself more credit,
  14. Put your happiness first,
  15. Build friendships with people that make you laugh.
What are you going to take into 2016?


  1. This is such a cute post. I've been trying to say 'YES' more this year and try new things. I much happier so far, but we're only 7 days into the year.

    Ami xxx

    1. Thank you so much Ami, I really think saying yes makes such a big difference! Hope you have a fab 2016 & try amazing new things xx

  2. Drinking more water is one of my goals and I love the positive goals you've stated! xx


  3. What a great post! I've recently decided I'm going to drinks more water, and saying yes to everything you can is a great idea I'm going to give that one a go!
    Aimee X aimeeandlucas.com
